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Unlocking the Secrets of Your Soil

Are you unhappy with your grass? Is your grass wilting, discolored, or growing poorly? Do not worry, NutriGreen Fertilization is here to get to the bottom of it. We provide an in depth soil analysis which determines the root causes of problem issues. From the soil report we can then create a customized program for your lawn. Our analysis will be be the crucial first step in restoring a healthy, lush, and beautiful lawn.

Scientist holding soil sample for testing in the field

What Is Soil Sample Analysis?

We collect soil samples to examine their physical and chemical properties. We do this to determine their health, vitality, and overall quality. Key features of a soil evaluation include assessing nutrient content and composition. The process usually involves the following steps:

  • Soil Collection: We take multiple samples from different parts of the lawn.
  • Soil Evaluation: The samples results are based on many factors including nutrients, pH value, and fertility.
  • Findings Presentation: We provide our findings regarding the soil’s health and vitality to the homeowner.

The Primary Benefits of Soil Analysis

Getting an assessment will provide excellent benefits for your soil’s health and fertility, including:

Comprehensive Analysis

The sample assessment will give us a total understanding of your soil’s health.

Lawn Risk Assessment and Prevention

We’ll detect signs of soil disease, bacteria, fungus, metals, pollutants, and other threats that could harm your lawn.

The Right Treatments

We’ll be able to determine the custom solutions for rejuvenating and enhancing your soil.

How Often Should I Get My Soil Analyzed?

At NutriGreen Fertilization we recommend soil testing every year. This will give us the best understanding of what is needed for the customized program we create.